What exactly is branding your business all about?
It consists of giving your company an identity. It’s about conveying who you are and what you do through the creative use of a combination of elements. Your company name, logo, unique selling point, mission statement and color scheme make up your identity.
Even though most people associate branding as being only for large companies, this is not the case. Getting it right for your small business can have the same effect on your bottom line as it does for the larger players. With a little effort you can achieve a level of cohesiveness that your competitors lack. I will break down the five main elements and discuss briefly how to make them work to your advantage.
Your Company Name
Being descriptive with your name will make it work to your advantage. Your name should tell the story of what you do in a nutshell. A name well done will also give you a professional image from day one. Remember to think not only of what services you perform in the present. Keep an eye towards the not so distant future when you may be more diversified.
Your Logo
Your logo is the visual representation of what you are about. The saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Though your logo is not really a picture, the same theory applies and that’s why I think it’s important. Many people skip this element for one reason or another. I think it’s a mistake because this is one more way to differentiate yourself from the other cleaning companies out there. A well designed logo can capture the essence of your company.
Unique Selling Point
Your unique selling point/slogan encapsulates what you have to offer. It can be described as an extension of your company name. Getting your slogan right can instantly associate your company with the service you offer. Think of some of the famous slogans you remember growing up with and dissect what made them work so well. The time spent brainstorming on this can yield great dividends down the road.
Mission Statement
A brief summary of your goals and beliefs shows commitment to your potential customers. It subtly nudges them in your direction by showcasing your values. Prominently display your mission statement wherever possible.
Color Scheme
Bring all your efforts together by choosing a set of colors that will be used exclusively for your business. This will solidify the branding process and keep your look consistent across many different elements. Your business cards, letterhead, t-shirts, truck lettering and brochures will all benefit with this approach.
Taking your time to get each component just right will help set you apart from your competitors. By setting yourself apart you take the first step to getting noticed and gaining their business.