I have been doing a lot of writing on all the things you need to do right to be successful.
Today I put the brakes on that approach and go the opposite direction, by discussing what mistakes to avoid when starting your own cleaning business.
The five mistakes mentioned below are easy traps for beginners to fall into and should be avoided to the best of your ability. With that said, here we go.
# 1 – Getting into it for the money.
If you don’t love what you do, you will never have any lasting success. You probably won’t reach your goals and objectives either. The bottom line here is you need to start your own cleaning business for the right reasons. Analyze what you want and why you want it. You’ll be better off for it.
# 2 – Not understanding that “attitude” is a major key to success.
A large part of becoming successful when starting your own cleaning business is attitude. When you have a positive one your odds of success go up dramatically. You need to always expect positive outcomes when dealing with others. The reality is if you don’t expect one, then your potential clients won’t either.
# 3 – Not taking responsibility.
Your success or failure in starting your own cleaning business lies solely at your feet. You can not “sub out” this part of the equation. When one thing or another does not go as planned, it is up to you to both fix the problem, and prevent it from happening again.
# 4 – Selling your service instead of giving the customer reasons to use your service.
Turn off the sales button when meeting with customers if you want success. It’s a known fact that people hate to be sold, but they love to buy. The key to a long career in the cleaning business is in offering benefits that the customer can relate to without coming across as a used car salesman.
# 5 – Lack of belief that your company really can solve the customers problems.
You need to have an unwavering belief that your cleaning company can solve the problems that the potential customer has. When you believe, the customer also buys into your belief and in-turn picks you to do business with. Listen carefully, the customer is no dummy. If you don’t have any belief, then no one else will either!
Well there you have it, some simple mistakes you need to avoid to have success when starting your own cleaning business. As you can see, it’s not all that hard to avoid these pitfalls.
Just start your cleaning business for the right reasons, keep a positive attitude, take responsibility, offer benefits customers can relate to and believe in yourself and your abilities. If you can do that, then success in the cleaning business is just a matter of when, not if.