If you are reading this, then you are certainly contemplating starting your own cleaning business.
I have some advice for you. Don’t delay, get started!
You will surprise yourself. Once you really get into it, you will realize just how much you know. As we have said before, the road will be bumpy and not always sunny, but it will be your own business.
Take it from someone who had a job and thought they were secure for life only to find out my employer did not care about me. When layoffs began to happen, the 23 years I put in (with all my heart and soul) meant nothing to them.
The day of my layoff, my supervisor, my manager and director were not around nor could I find anyone in Human Resources. They took the easy way out and hired an outside concern to handle the layoff. Boy, what a slap in the face that was.
But you know, after all was said and done it was the best thing that could have happened. They say you need to make lemonade out of lemons right? Well that is exactly what Tom and I did. Ten years later we are still going strong and are here to help you too.
Had we not started our own business would we have regretted it? You can bet your bottom dollar! I urge you not to be the person who looks back and says “I should have just followed my dream”.
It does not take a lot of money to get started, but it does take determination (then again, in today’s economy, so does finding a job). So don’t delay and don’t have any regrets. Take the first step into personal and financial freedom.
As I have stated in previous blogs, owning your own business really gives you freedom to do what you want. When you have that desire to start a business but never do, you open the door to having regrets. Do you really want any regrets later in life? I didn’t think so!
If you have any questions about the process just contact us, we will be glad to help you out.