Do your customer’s have it their way? Let me explain what I mean by that.
When you order from a restaurant, fast food or any take out place, you expect to get your order your way right?
Then why shouldn’t your customers get the service they want their way! Lets dig in and see how this effects you and your cleaning business.
For starters not every office or business you estimate will be a “cookie cutter” customer. Every business is unique and will have it’s own personality. You must take that into consideration for each and every proposal you present to potential customers.
Sometimes it may be a good idea to make your offerings flexible, like a menu (you know, one from column A and one from column B). Give them several choices but not too many because it may get confusing for them.
When you offer a lot of choices (like 4, 5 or 6 options) you run the risk of the customer coming down with a case of “paralysis analysis” (they think and think and never decide anything). Just keep it simple and ask them what’s missing from their present service, and add that to the menu.
Many potential customers are not sure of what they want, some may say white glove service, but only have a budget for standard service, so it is up to you to give them a few choices and make the estimate suitable for the budget they are working with.
If your proposal comes in on middle ground for them then you may have a good chance at getting the job. Again being flexible means a lot and just may get you the job.
Just don’t ever compromise on your service.
In these tough economic times most business are cutting costs, which is fine as long as you do it the right way. This means you always need to run a first class operation. This translates to the following: “avoid cutting corners when servicing accounts”. When you cut corners you may get “cut” out of the picture too (also known as “getting fired”).
You always want to deliver on what you promised. There are many other ways to cut costs without cutting service! Remember the Burger King “Have it your way” slogan when dealing with present or potential customers. Be sure to give it to them every chance you get.
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