UPADTED: 10/12/2021: You are thinking about, or just started, your own cleaning business. You are full of ambition, energy and enthusiasm.
But now you need some cleaning accounts under your belt (at least a few to just get your feet wet and get some money coming in).
Well not too long ago I was in your shoes (about ten years ago) wondering the same thing. I was all fired up but lacked any direction on where to focus my efforts. I kept asking myself one question…
How do the pros find cleaning accounts in their area?
I wasted more money than you could imagine during this process of finding out how the other established companies find cleaning contracts. I could have gone on several memorable vacations with all that wasted cash (I could have gone to the moon and back). So basically I had to learn everything the hard way.
Hopefully you are not going to waste as much money as I did looking for cleaning customers after reading this short list of what works, and what doesn’t. Now keep in mind that your mileage may vary on some of the various methods described below. After all, you may excel in some area that I was miserable at, and vice versa.
With all that said, lets dig in and discuss some of the ways you can get some contracts for your cleaning business. In no particular order, here we go.
Networking for cleaning contracts
Networking should be an extremely important part of your overall game-plan for acquiring cleaning contracts for your cleaning business. The one thing you need to keep in mind is that networking usually does not yield results right away. Networking is all about making relationships, and it takes time to build them.
Networking works by exposing you to many other business people in your region. You get to spread the word you are in the cleaning business and are actively looking for customers. Though many members may not need your services, they may know others that do.
This is the true power of networking, once you know a lot of people, they look out for your interests by referring people to you. All you need to do is think of them and refer whoever you can to others in the group. The secret to having success networking is simple, be consistent and show up regularly to as many meetings as possible. Failure to do so sabotages your hard work.
Joining several different networking groups is highly recommended. Look into as many groups as possible, then do your best to determine which ones will give you the biggest bang for the buck. Ideally you want to join groups that have at least 15 to 20 participants at each meeting, preferably much more than that.
This is a great long term strategy for drumming up business. We have posted extensively on networking because it’s just so important. To learn some more about networking click here.
Using direct mail techniques to acquire cleaning contracts
Probably my absolute favorite way of finding cleaning contracts in my area. In fact, I built my business largely on the back of my direct mail efforts. Direct mail does require a very good sales letter (preferably a 2 page letter) and a flyer that highlights some special offer (one that is irresistible to the potential customer).
Now the tough part is actually writing the winning sales letter. This is not for the faint of heart, as it is a rather time consuming process that requires some specialized knowledge concerning what makes people respond to an offer.
But fear not as I have good news for you, my courses have the actual sales letters (and flyers) I built my business on. Simply use my winning sales letters to build your company (for good measure I included several different varieties of sales letters and flyers in my courses).
Utilizing real estate agents to find cleaning contracts
This is a hidden little treasure trove for cleaning businesses. Many times real estate agents need cleaning services performed either before a house is sold or just after closing. Well…I shouldn’t say the agents need the work done, it’s their clients who do. But good agents handle all those details for their clients.
By actively seeking out agents to refer you business, you can create a nice little supplemental income for yourself. Of course the recession has really hurt this segment of the cleaning business (no homes being sold means no homes to clean). But it’s a great time to build relationships for when the need returns. For an idea on how to market to real estate agents click here.
Hiring a salesman to get cleaning contracts
I thought this was the answer to my problem at one point. Simply hire someone to do sales full-time (it sure sounded easy). I did all the math to make sure it was a win win scenario for the both me and my salesman. Of course my best laid plans went down the tube (like the smokeless cigarette from years ago).
I lay the blame solely at my feet. I completely over simplified the process of what was involved to make it work (sales training, literature, oversight, goals). You name it, I did it wrong on this part.
If I had it to over again I might get better results because I have some experience now. But with that said, I may just skip the whole “hire a salesperson” process and concentrate my efforts somewhere else.
Using newspapers to get cleaning contracts (display ad)
This involves creating ads of different sizes that can be placed in various sections of the newspaper. They can be black and white, spot color (one color generally) or full color. They generally combine text and pictures, but can be all text if so desired.
I tried quite hard to make this particular method work for me. At the end of the day, I did not succeed. I created several professional ads though an ad agency that were visually stunning, they had all the elements that needed to be in there (company name, tag-line, logo, brief text ad and phone number).
I ran the ads in several different publications on a regular basis for quite some time. Unfortunately the ads never paid for itself. In fact they never even came close. Looking back, I now realize that I failed to include a special offer. This probably would have increased the response rate substantially.
The ads that I ran was basically an “awareness” ad. It got my name out in the community, lots of people no doubt saw it, but without any offer to entice people to call, it went nowhere. I have not revisited this method in some time. When I do, I will write a post on the topic.
My advice for beginners is to put your money elsewhere when first starting out. If you are well funded, then it may be a good idea to allocate a portion of your marketing budget to print. I would guess that most folks that start a cleaning business start on a shoestring, and because of that I would add newspapers to the mix later on.
Using newspapers to get cleaning contracts (classified section)
The classified section is a favorite of people looking to advertise their cleaning business. The cost is much cheaper than running a display ad because you are basically lumped together with a bunch of other advertisers (display ads can be placed in all sections of the paper).
I have no direct knowledge on how well this works or doesn’t work. It’s funny that I never ran a classified ad (I’ve done just about everything else), but with that said I do think it’s a good idea (for the right price). I would definitely price several newspapers to see what got me in front of the most people for the best price.
Using menu place-mats to find cleaning contracts
These little items sit on the table at many establishments waiting to get ruined by starving patrons. But before they make their way to the trash can, many get looked over by customers before getting served. I did try to get cleaning contracts with this method for a while and had some success, just not enough to continue with the campaign.
I do think that this can be a good idea for the right price. I would negotiate very hard to see just how low I could get my ad in the place-mat for (this may require several phone calls over a period of time). This medium would work best for a house cleaning service that included a special offer of some kind ($20.00 off first visit).
Using local property management companies to acquire cleaning contracts
These folks manage properties for others and are a good source of business. My success with this group has come through direct mail (the 2 page sales letter with attached flyer I spoke of earlier). This is how the process worked for me.
- I basically create a list of all property management companies in my area.
- Decide which direct mail piece I will use.
- Get my sales letter and flyers printed at my local printer.
- Address my envelopes, stuff and mail them.
- When they contact me after receiving the direct mail piece, we set up an appointment to review their needs, and we just go from there.
Many times a management company will be reluctant to give you more than one property at first. But once you prove yourself, you’ll get the chance to bid other properties as they become available.
Using apartment complexes to get cleaning contracts
Cleaning apartment complexes is generally a two part process. Part one involves the common areas of the complex, this would included the hallways, foyers and stairs (or elevators). This is a rather straightforward process that is easily mastered.
Part two of the equation is the apartment turnovers. This involves cleaning the units that the tenants have moved out of. You need to clean them so the next renter can move in. Their are many problems with part two. I’ll name a few:
- The apartments can be incredibly dirty.
- You will get very little notice that a unit needs to be completed.
- The maintenance men are probably making a mess doing their job at the same time you are doing yours. This means they may have placed the toilet in the tub (that you have to clean) while they are laying a new floor (that you need to clean) in the bathroom (that you need to clean).
- Problem number 3 means you may have to return after the maintenance men are done. This of course wastes time (driving time and setup time).
- Apartment turnovers usually do not pay well.
I currently do not clean apartment complexes any more. I got out of that part of the business several years ago to focus my efforts elsewhere. With that said, you can make a small fortune cleaning apartment complexes. At one time I was cleaning over 100 buildings per week just during day shift (keep in mind that my sanity was greatly compromised during this time).
Using the phonebook to acquire cleaning contracts
Advertising in phonebooks is nearing an end. Yes, some do still turn to the pages so to speak when looking for a vendor. But on the whole, the Internet has changed the landscape. I spent my fair share in this medium with not much to show for it. At most I would bold my listing to make it stand out. Going any further than that and you risk throwing your money down the drain.
Using a website to find cleaning contracts
Having a website for your business is highly recommended. It allows you to tell the “whole story” about your business (brochures, business cards and sales letters just don’t provide enough room for this).
Spending a lot of money on this is not needed. I spent several thousand bucks for my first one (way more than I should have). I would try to limit the cost as much as possible (keep it less than $500 if possible). Odds are you will build another one when you have a better idea of where your company is headed.
Making use of referrals to get cleaning contracts
Referrals can be a engine that drives your entire company. Of course you need a customer to refer you first. This is why you must provide “knock the socks off” service for each of your clients (especially the first 10 to 15 customers you acquire). Every chance you get, go way beyond what is expected. If you do that, the referrals will come, the phone will ring and the money will come your way. For more on referrals click here.
Using telemarketing to get more cleaning contracts
Making cold calls for your cleaning business can be profitable for the right person. With that said you need to have a calming demeanor and a stomach for rejection. You also need a plan for making all those calls, but you are in luck because this is a topic we discussed before. You can learn more about making cold calls for your cleaning business by clicking here.
Utilizing Craigslist advertising to get cleaning contracts
A free classified section catered to a regional audience makes Craigslist a no brain-er. With over 500 cities worldwide to choose from, you should not have a problem finding a metropolis near you. You have nothing to lose in this advertising medium except maybe the few minutes to post an ad. To learn how to do that click here.
Using church bulletins to get cleaning contracts
I did my fair share in this advertising medium. It basically revolves around running an ad in various church bulletins / newsletters. The cost was rather reasonable in my area so I experimented for some time with this technique. The ads did bring in money, just not enough to justify continuing with the campaign at the time.
Church bulletins are a reasonable option to consider if you can negotiate a good price. At the end of the day it is up to you to decide if enough people see your ad to justify the cost. Some churches have very large congregations and tend to support the advertisers who run ads in the church program.
Using Valpak to get cleaning contracts
One of my very first adverting efforts (for our carpet cleaning service) was a Valpak campaign. In case you haven’t heard, Valpak sends out a pack of “advertisements” to households that meet certain income criteria. If you have a housecleaning service this option may be of use to you. I don’t see commercial cleaning working on this medium.
I did not have much success with this form of advertising (I hear the same from many of my colleagues). One tip I can pass on to you (if you use this service) is to have the ad you want to use designed by either yourself (if you have the skill) or a professional. The in house Valpak designers that worked on my ad did me an injustice. I did not know this at the time unfortunately and my results suffered as a result.
Using social media to get cleaning contracts
I get asked about this ALL THE TIME. This is not the first thing to be working on in my opinion. If you have a Facebook Business Page or another social media account that is full of followers who love your brand then by all means make use of it. But if you are new and just getting started (which is the focus of this post), then I would put this on the back burner. The other methods (especially direct mail) will yield faster results for a lot less effort.
Well there you have it, a bunch of ideas on how to get cleaning contracts for your cleaning business. Like I said earlier, your mileage may vary from mine. For me, the print medium (newspapers, church bulletins and phonebooks) yielded very little considering how much money I put out, yet some people do excel in print.
The vast majority of my success came from my direct mail letters, networking, delivering “knock their socks off” service and providing good customer service after the sale (for more on that click here).
In the odd occasion I had an unhappy customer, I went to great lengths to make them a happy camper again (for more on that click here).
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Hi Tom, thanks for your great advice, we got 3 real estate agents getting back after sending around 40 direct mail. we have been having this cleaning business for 5 years, mainly on domestic clean. but now looking for some commercial contracts. thanks again for your great help!
That’s great news Lynn! Keep working that angle, you are making excellent progress.
Please notify me from any contracts that you have.
Hi Jackson… We do not sell cleaning contracts, we show you how to get them for yourself.
I have started my business but I am not having much luck getting contracts. I tried to look at property management but most of these manage apartment complexes only. I am having a hard time finding property management companies that manage office buildings only. any suggestions?
Hi Kate! Go in a different direction and try office parks that don’t fall under a management company. I would also try real estate offices, small accounting firms or other similarly small businesses that would need office cleaning.
Hi Tom
I’m currentlly working for a cleaning company but have been looking at going out on my own I have made up an service ad on http://www.trademe.co.nz and http://www.wheedle.co.nz also have afew clients that i clean for which is’nt to bad but i’m not sure how to/what to price jobs on house cleans and companies would you have any ideas on these?I live in new zealand
Hi Pamela! You are off to a good start, keep going with those ads and MEASURE your progress. If you get none, modify the ad then measure again. As to bidding contracts, here is a post I did on houses… http://cleaning4profit.kinsta.cloud/2013/04/28/how-to-quote-house-cleaning/
Hi! Touch base via the contact form on my site to learn more.
hi to help to get contract for my cleaning company iv been trying this but no lucky i will appreciate your help if any thing comes out i will appreciate your help,buy helping me i will be helping my company to grow and create more vacancies to those who are in need of job pls don’t hesitate to inform me godbless you.
Hi Phumzile! I would suggest you take a look at our cleaning training manuals. They show you the way in a step by step fashion!
Thanks for the very helpful tidbits. I have a Company called Bush Company Cleaning Service. I just officially started the company this year and its been very hard to get clients (customers). 1) Ive done everything to make this company legit. (licensed, bonded, insured, ein, reg. state, llc, home occupancy license, clean hands cert, short version-business & marketing plan, joined several cleaning organizations) 2) I created a great website: http://www.bushcoclean.com.
3) I have created profiles on every social network. (FREE VERSIONS – linked in, care.com, facebook, twitter, instagram, google plus, youtube home advisor, angies lists, yellow pages) 4) Ive bought cleaning supplies and equipment 5) SEO’s (google adwords, janitor marketing 360, etc…) 6) Ive ran online and print ads (FREE VERSIONS: craigslists, city paper, penneysaver and other classifieds) 7) Ive created marketing campaigns targeting individuals and businesses (direct mail and in person visits: business districts, day care centers, property managers, wealthy home owners, etc…) I NEED HELP GETTING CLIENTS AND CLIENTS THAT ARE REOCCURING. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
Hi Van! Sounds like you have been busy trying to get contracts. Give me a call via the number listed on my contact page. If I don’t answer, just leave a message and I’ll get back to you. I’ll try to point you in the right direction when we speak. Talk to you then.
I’m trying to started my own cleaning company I got the name insurance and llc’s now I need clients help !!!
Hi Selena! You are in the right spot to learn the ropes. Sign up for my newsletter to learn more about getting office cleaning contracts.
Hi Tom,
We are setting up a cleaning company in London UK and i would be graetful if you can give us some tips on getting contracts in the UK.
Hi Malla! My suggestions is to sign up for the newsletter (on the homepage), as that starts laying the foundation (as far as getting contracts in concerned).
Hi Tom, i work for someone for now by cleaning parking a lot and also got my business license. Since i’ve got this business license is there anyway that i can find office cleaning contract without advertising myself because i just need couple more contract for myself to live from it.
Hi Hashbat! No… you need to do some advertising otherwise no one will discover you. If you already have a few contracts and need just a few more than maybe completely hitting the areas RIGHT AROUND where you have jobs now would be a good idea.
This way there would very little travel once you got another job or two. Hand out sales letters and flyers (with business card) all around the area. Also… you really should be advertising (at least a little bit), at ALL TIMES. This is because no matter how good you are, you will get fired from time to time (people go out of business, relocate etc…).
Hi Tom, we now get telemarketing people to make cold calls every day to get commercial office cleaning contract, they can help me to get roughly around 3 quotation appointments per day. but do you have any suggestions on my onsite price quoting skills?
we have been providing domestic cleaning in past 5 years, i am good at domestic price quoting,can get 7 customers out of 10 quotes. i found it difficult to have a successful quote. thanks Lynn
Hi Lynn! There are so many different scenarios that could be playing out, so it’s hard for me to say… “hey, do this one thing”. Anyway… Not to be a salesman, but in my courses I have an ENTIRE chapter on the bidding aspect. With that said, if I had to pick one thing, you may be just pricing too high (BIG difference on HOW you price commercial contracts). I say this because it you are good at getting houses, and you run into a wall on commercial it’s probably a pricing issue.
Thanks Tom. i agreed it might be the price issue. as to a house we normally do a very detailed jobs but to office, not roughly job, but office cleaning might take less time than domestic houses even in same size.
thanks a lot for your advice,we might work out the commercial price structures then:) Cheers, Lynn
I have decided to go in the commercial cleaning business but my biggest concern is getting contracts. Because of this, I am considering a franchise. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Kevin! Franchises will get you contracts, you just won’t make any money from them (they don’t tell you that). The ONLY real way to make money is by getting the contracts YOURSELF. There is no other way… period. As to being afraid of that part, you need to rise above that as that is what separates those who make a lot of money form those who don’t. Sign up for my newsletter (homepage) to learn more.
Hi, my name is Eduardo Cabrera and 21 years old. I just started a cleaning business not to long ago. I started a cleaning business for two good reason. One reason, I love to clean. Another reason, I wanted to make a difference by using Eco-product. My question is how can I get customers.
Hi Eduardo! You have exactly what it takes to get contracts, so don’t worry! Step one is to sign up for my mailing list, tons of tips! Go here… http://cleaning4profit.kinsta.cloud/join-my-email-list-its-free/
Hi, Thanks for the info, I will now try to use these great ideas.
Hi! You are very welcome. Touch base if you need me.
Hey just wanted to ask how do I open a cleaning company , do I need some sort of cert. , or license
Hi Jason! Nothing all that hard. Pick a name, go to town hall and register the name then take that paperwork and go to bank and open a business banking account. Now you are in business. From there add insurance. Now just market the heck out of it! You can do it!
Just wanted to know how do I get hotel contracts , and does the hotel provide the cleaning products ?
Hi Jason! Hotels usually hire their own staff. With that said, I do know of a competitor who landed a small motel, so you never know. If that’s what you wanted, send a sales letter, business card and flyer to a whole bunch of them. If you landed an account, you would probably have to supply cleaning solutions.
Hello great site and I look to purchase some of your material. I have jumped the gun and already purchased a franchise from a popular cleaning company. To me it seems as the franchisee is their largest client and that’s where they make their money and that’s why all the companies that offers franchises are in the too 500 hundred Forbes list and such. Anyway I’m already locked in with them and I need to market my company even though I have to include them in my business. I had a potential client but once they found out I was a franchisee of this certain company, they didn’t want to do business. Is there anyway you suggest marketing my company and becoming a success even though I’m a franchisee ? They have provided clients but it seems to be very under bidded for the amount of work and if I hire employees it will pretty much put me in the red after they take out their fees. Also it’s a hassle dealing with the customers they have provided because it seems the customer is communicating with me saying one thing and telling them different from what they tell me. Any and all advise will be appreciated. Thanks
Hi Sonny! I completely understand. I know that franchises do what you say because I hear the SAMETHING EVERYDAY. It’s terrible what they do. They get you to PAY to join them THEN they give you HORRIBLE accounts that you can’t make a dime on. You basically need to work them YOURSELF so you don’t LOSE MONEY.
Like I’ve always said… “It’s not how many accounts you have, it’s HOW PROFITABLE the accounts you have are”. With that said what you have is still workable GOING FORWARD if you just learn to pick the winning accounts and stay away from the losers they provide. It’s a little trial and error but you’ll get it over time.
I did a podcast you may want to listen to that talks about avoiding low profit accounts. It’s podcast #33. Go to this page and find the episode in the audio player… http://cleaning4profit.kinsta.cloud/podcasts-2/
Hello Tom, Great site! I have a small residential and commercial cleaning company with everything in place to get going with some new business, but I haven’t been fortunate enough to get business yet. Not sure what my next steps should be to get both sides bringing in customers. Any tips?
Hi Charmaine! The name of the game is EXPOSURE. Before you get cleaning accounts you need to spread the word to your target market that you are a VALID option for them to consider. Give out business cards, flyers and sales letters to everyone. It’s not complicated, just start spreading the word!
Thank you so much Tom!
I am looking to outbid another big commercial cleaning company. I am wanting to know if there is any way to look up the contract they have with them. Also d you have any recommendation on important things I should list in the contract?
Hi Chasity! No… no way to know that. As far as what to list… I did a post on that here… http://cleaning4profit.kinsta.cloud/2012/09/29/how-to-build-your-own-cleaning-business-contract/
Thank you for these useful information. How can I quote an office building? What standards do I need to follow?
Hi Thaya! That’s a BIG question, and I can’t sum that up in a paragraph. The bidding process is covered in detail in my courses (a whole chapter is dedicated to that).
Hi Tom,
Do you have any ideas about lead generation service?
we are looking for commercial office cleaning contracts. we have website, ad on local paper, flyer distribution etc. they help us to get quite a few domestic customers, regular customers and one off casual customers.but it’s quite difficult to get office cleaning customers. We also tried cold calls, seems doesn’t work too much.
Hi Lynn! I would pound away at doctor offices, real estate offices and all small commercial office parks near you. They are the bread and butter of this business in my opinion. A sales letter, flyer and business card mailed to the “office manager” will work (sales letter must be good, business card must be professional and the website you have needs to be top notch or it will be much tougher).
Thanks for your quick reply Tom.
Direct mails to real estate really works, we did get quite a few real estate agencies jobs through this ad way.
I might try direct sale letters to the offices as well.
Thanks again for your response!
You are very welcome Lynn! Keep us posted!
I’m looking to start my own cleaning service and I don’t have any idea where to start please help
Hi Tara! You are in the right spot. Read all you can for free in the blog (http://cleaning4profit.kinsta.cloud/blog/). Listen for free in the podcast area (http://cleaning4profit.kinsta.cloud/podcasts-2/). Then if you want step by step instructions check out my courses (http://cleaning4profit.kinsta.cloud/start-your-own-cleaning-business/).
I have a small janitorial business, looking for leads and contracts. Knoxville,Tennessee
Hi David! You need to get them yourself (DO NOT buy them, odds are HIGH you’ll get ripped off).