I love books that teach simple concepts and techniques that are easy to implement and use in your business.
I feel as though I really get my money’s worth out of these types of books. It goes like this for me. I read the book, I make use of the knowledge it contains and shortly after that I profit from that very knowledge.
It doesn’t get any better than that. It happens quickly and without much effort. It’s almost not fair. But that’s the power of having a great book by your side, it makes everything so easy.
Today I would like to speak to one book in particular that has helped me quite a bit in the promotion of my businesses. It fits the description I just spoke of perfectly. The book is titled Words That Sell, by Richard Bayan. To check out the book on Amazon (paid link) click here.
Basically Words That Sell gives you better alternatives (proven words that drive people to act) to use when selling your goods and services. For me, having this book at my side helps whenever I attempt to write either a sales letter, flyer, special offer or any other piece where I’m attempting to influence the reader to take action (make a purchase, call me, inquire about something etc…).
After having the book for some time, I now realize just how unimaginative I was before. For instance, writing a winning sales letter is not all that easy, as there are several elements at play.
One of them of course is the words you use. Using all the wrong words and phrases in your ad copy will certainly lead to a quick trip to the trash can. But with a little tweaking here and there, that loser of a letter turns into a success. That’s where this book comes into play, as it contains over 6,000 entries to help you along with the creative process.
At the end of the day (paid link) Words That Sell changed the way I looked at all my business cards, brochures, direct mail letters and every other shred of literature that my customers come in contact with. It continues to be a tremendous reference to this day, and it’s worth considering for your bookshelf as well.
Please note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I may be an affiliate for products that I recommend. If you purchase any items through my links odds are I’ll earn a commission of some kind. I only recommend products and services that I have used or think may be useful to those starting or operating a cleaning business.