With Thanksgiving now in the rear-view mirror, the start of the holiday season is upon us.
As we send out our Christmas cards, decorate the house, bake the cookies, shop for gifts and plan the food for the holiday meals, lets make sure we give thanks for all we have and are able to do.
An important part of giving thanks is remembering how got you there. Success in the cleaning business is possible because of the customers you clean for. Don’t forget them at this time of year. They are your bread and butter, so you need to say thanks to them in one way or another.
For instance, this could be a hand written card or it could be something more creative. Early on in our career we delivered a gift box of Godiva Chocolates to each and every cleaning account.
Did this run into a few bucks, it sure did! At over $30.00 per box the price tag was rather steep. But we simply factored it into the cost of the service that they were ultimately paying for. Was it worth it? It sure was!
Talk about making a favorable impression. When you stop by a clients office and deliver a box of world class chocolate, it tends to make an enormously positive impression. Making these types of decisions early on in our career served us well.
Customers love when they are “fussed” over, and we always went over the top in an attempt to do just that. We all want to be acknowledged for what we do, so be sure to thank your customers for their business. They will thank you with their continued patronage.
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