To those whom much is given, much is expected. You have probably heard that phrase before.
These words of wisdom speak to the need of being civic minded. I think it’s important if only for this one reason.
When you enter the domain of “cleaning business owner”, you assume a leadership mantle to a degree. You become a role model for others who may not have had the advantages that your hard work has given you.
There are many ways this can be accomplished, and it doesn’t have to be with money. Actually money is the easy way, “giving of yourself” is the better way. Specifically volunteering your time can satisfy your “debt” to the community.
Some ideas may include getting involved with any functions your church or synagogue may offer in the community. If you have children you may want to consider becoming a scout leader or little league coach.
You could also join a Rotary club, you know it’s not just for men anymore. If you have a particular talent share it with your community. Just do your best to get involved in some small way.
Perhaps you could help out with “Habitat For Humanity”, or some other national group if the local level was lacking. Any type of volunteering you perform in your region lets others know that you care about both the people, and the area you live in.
I know what you are going to say… it all takes up so much of your time. I can’t argue with you on that, but if you want to be a successful business person, you have to give of yourself so that people in you community know you care.
There is an old saying that goes “the more you give, the more you get”. I think there is a lot of wisdom in that saying.
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