Never stop shopping for better prices on all your supplies and solutions. This is just so important!
Even if you think you are getting the best prices on your cleaning supplies and other paper products, continue to shop around.
You just never know where you will find a better price. Most locations have many supply houses to choose from, so just call them and ask for their pricing on all the products and solutions you use.
Here’s another tip, always make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Sometimes vendors may want to sell you a cheaper product to get your business, so that’s why you need to make sure the comparison is fair.
Here are two examples for you. On trash liners you need to compare the same “mil” thickness to make a fair comparison. The “mil” is the thickness of the trash liners. A cheaper bag has a lower mil number.
A similar issue is at play in the toilet tissue product line. Just make sure to compare one ply paper to one ply, and two ply to two ply to get a fair comparison. Vendors can be a cagey group at times, so be careful.
As to your cleaning solutions, much money can be saved here as well. Cleaning solutions such as glass cleaner, floor cleaner and disinfectant cleaner can be purchased in concentrates instead of ready to use solutions. Concentrates give you much more bang for the buck, thus reducing your costs dramatically.
To further stretch your money use paper towels on glass and toilets, but use cloth rags on other surfaces. This is because rags can be washed and reused many times over. The same goes for mop heads, wash them frequently and reuse them.
With the price of everything going up except wages, we all must do our part to save money. Remember when your mother nagged you about turning off the lights when you left a room. I bet you now say the same thing to your kids.
There are many ways to save a dollar if we just keep looking. It’s in your best interests and the bottom line of your business to keep saving even if business is booming.
You never know when you will loose a customer due to an economic downturn in their business or for some other reason. So be vigilant with your earnings, never stop getting new accounts and SHOP AROUND for better prices! Your wallet will thank you.
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