There is a saying by Tony Robbins that goes like this. “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”
That’s powerful advice from someone who knows a thing or two about making your dreams come true. The real beauty of that quote is just how simple it is.
Each of us envisions our retirement as worry free and leisurely. We’re able to do whatever we want whenever we want without a worry in the world. But the elephant in the room is asking you one powerful question.
How are you going to achieve the retirement that you dream of? While the game plan will be different for each of us in a sense there will be some similarities. If you want success you are going to have to give up a few things in order to get it.
This may include not watching as much TV or wasting your time playing solitaire on the computer. The list is endless. It could be just about anything but you get the idea. Eliminate the “empty activities” that just kill time.
You can’t keep saying to yourself “I’ll just do this tomorrow”. Then tomorrow comes and its the same thing over again. This procrastination kills the dream of business ownership, a nice retirement and all the other perks that life has to offer faster than just about anything short of death itself.
This is a common issue though because time slips by so slowly that you don’t even notice it at first. But as we all know it does catch up with us at some point. So the sooner you stop wasting time, the faster your business will get built.
At the end of the day we have to earn what we desire. We have to show up every day, day after day, whether we are tired or not. Rather than doing something “fun” like kill time, we must put our hard hats on and work our butts off to get things done.
Your business is not going to build itself. So start today and celebrate each small victory, pat yourself on the back and keep on going. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your business won’t be either so don’t let “frustration” build up in you. It’ll take some time, just be patient.
And don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do this or you can’t do that. You can do anything you set your mind to. Focus on what you want and where you want to be. Each day set a goal to achieve, then achieve it.
All you need to do is just keep repeating this process again and again. Before you know it you will see your dreams, and that dream retirement, coming true right before your eyes.
Great advice and the message I really needed to hear. I am just in the early stages of getting my cleaning business up and running.
What are your thoughts on taking smaller contracts to “get my name out there”? The reason I ask is that I have sub contracted to a couple larger companies in the hope of getting more work. They are paying me less than what I would normally bid.
Thanks for the kind words Brent! As to taking small accounts to start….that’s a great approach, one that I’m a big fan of. Small accounts let you work out all of the “kinks” so to speak. When you get a good system down you just start moving to larger and larger accounts.
On a side note, I’m not entirely sure that subbing yourself out is going to get your name out there in the traditional sense. Odds are this setup only provides exposure to the company that hired you. This does give you valuable experience though when starting.
I would work hard at landing some small accounts yourself, as this will earn you much more that you will ever make subbing yourself out. Just make up some flyers and staple your business card to them, then go visit some office parks near you and hand them out.