When you operate your own cleaning business, it helps to have some tools to make the job a little easier.
One of those tools is software for your computer. At one time I was a big fan of Microsoft Office.
I wasn’t alone either. For years this was the standard bearer for home office software. This software is still popular today, but not as much as it was in the past. The reason is simply because so many new players have entered the market.
When I purchased the program about ten years ago, I happily plunked down my few hundred bucks and got to work. I can’t say I had any complaints with it, as it did exactly what it said it would. In fact it did more than I ever needed.
So whenever the latest version would come out, I mindlessly updated the software like I was on some kind of mind control drugs to the tune of a few more bucks. This is the part that I got tired of real quick though.
So this lead me on a search to find a better solution, one that gave me what I needed, but didn’t reach in to my wallet so often. I found what I was looking for in a program called OpenOffice.
OpenOffice is a complete solution just like Microsoft Office is. It’s got everything you need. I don’t mean just a word processing program (though one is included) but everything that goes with it.
Need a program for spreadsheets, graphics and databases too? If so, then the program is for you. Want to know what is the best part of this program? The price. It’s free!
You can put a copy on every computer you have for no charge, not a penny. No expensive updates down the road like the other programs either. It’s the best of both worlds.
I’ve been thrilled with it since day one and and have been using it ever since. You can check out the program here. If anyone has any information on some other great free software just post them in the comments below.
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