Making use of all the available avenues of marketing your business is not just a good idea, it’s pretty much mandatory.
This is because you need to extract every last dollar bill from each marketing opportunity whenever possible.
So this brings me to a big opportunity you may be missing out on. It’s called Google Places, and the best part is the price…FREE. In case you haven’t even heard of Google Places before, I’ll give you some background.
Google Places helps the cleaning business owner in several ways. First off it helps get you found online, which is a must in today’s world. Like I always say, “you may be the best cleaning business in the world, but if people can’t find you, you won’t make any money”.
Oh…and by the way, if you don’t have a website yet don’t worry. You don’t need one to take advantage of this marketing opportunity. We show you how to tackle that issue in our free guide.
Secondly your Google Places listing allows others to basically rate your services. This is a great feature because it allows the cream to rise to the top. In other words, it allows your happy customers to just rave non-stop about you online.
This of course will just drive more and more business to your cleaning business, allowing you to grow faster than you could imagine. Ok…now that you have a little background on what signing up for this marketing avenue is all about, lets cut to the chase.
I’ve created an easy to follow 13 step process for getting your cleaning business listed on Google Places. I’m making this available as a free download for everyone. Just follow the simple instructions and “Presto”…your listed.
There is no opt-in or sign-up required, as we don’t make you jump through hoops for any of our valuable information. So you just have to click on the link provided at the end of this post to get the free instructions right away.
But before I provide the link I wanted to make mention of one more thing. This free guide is just a taste of what is included with the printed edition of our course Commercial Cleaning For Beginners.
While the free guide below is a wonderfully illustrated tutorial covering eight pages, it’s only one part of the full version. The additional 3 sections cover another 19 pages of instruction and is only found in the printed edition bonus material.
In case you were wondering, I’ll briefly mention the other sections:
- Section 2 – How to add photos and offers.
- Section 3 – Understanding the viewership stats of your account.
- Section 4 – Utilizing “Boost” to supercharge your advertising efforts.
Well…I think I covered everything I needed to. All that’s left is providing you the link! So follow the link and request your freebie! Click Here To Go To Download Page.
Great info. I had no idea about Google Places. Google has so many features and resources for marketing. I am still trying to learn it all. Thanks for the info! I love your site. Very informative and helpful. God bless you and your businesses.
Thanks for the comment Carmen!