Though the process may seem complicated the only goal of your marketing material is to get the prospect to do one thing.
That is TAKE ACTION and call you as soon as possible. This can be difficult given the extremely fast pace of today’s world.
Life seems to move a lot faster nowadays and getting people to stop for a minute to call you is like trying to stop a moving train. Not to mention the fact people are inundated with sales material all day long in one way or another, meaning you are not the only one competing for attention with the prospect.
This is why it’s so important to HOLD THEIR HAND and tell them exactly what to do as they read your marketing material. Odds are your competition knows nothing about this, and are just clumsily creating flyers and sales letters with no clear call to action.
I know a lot of people don’t think they need to actually tell the customer to call them. They think the customer will just “know the deal” in a sense and they will call you when they are ready. The truth however is much different, as when you don’t ask you don’t get.
The reason why is because people procrastinate. They do so for a million different reasons and I won’t bore you with them all. What I can say is that the only thing that you can do to offset that is TELL THEM WHAT TO DO in a clear and concise way.
Did you ever notice that some radio ads, and even some infomercials on television will literally tell you to pick up the phone right now and call them. Know why they do that? BECAUSE IT WORKS! It’s a tried and true tactic to get you to take action.
They are effectively seeking to hold your hand and walk you over to the phone so you can call them. Needless to say your marketing material needs that same level of hand holding. In a way it’s nothing more than being ASSERTIVE. Some examples of this “call to action” approach include:
- Call Mike right now at 555-5555 to get your free cleaning evaluation.
- Don’t miss out on your special introductory pricing by calling 555-5555 today.
- Call 555-5555 today and save 50% off your first cleaning.
I’m sure you have seen sales material of some kind that has a similar “call to action” at one time or another. It usually comes at the bottom of a sales letter or flyer, right after the main body of text that is making the sales pitch. So to recap, make use of a strong call to action to get people to TAKE ACTION.
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Can I put my business card and flyer in my neighborhood mailboxes?
Hi Lynda! No… you can’t do that. You need to hand them out or leave them in some other way. FYI: Doorknob flyers are perfect for neighborhoods.