Product Description: The Biogienius LCD dispenser is a product designed to keep toilets and urinals clean and odor free around the clock.
The unit is wall mounted and is designed to sit directly above the toilet or urinal. Inside the dispenser is a Biogiene bag that holds the solution that will clean and sanitize the bowl.
The solution bag is designed to last anywhere from 30, 45 to 60 days. The duration is programmable via the unit control pad located inside the dispenser. The solution is fed from a small tube that runs from the bottom of the unit into either the toilet or urinal you are connecting it to.
Product Manufacturer: Rochester Midland is the manufacturer (parent company), and Hygiene Vision is the division this product is sold under.
Ideal Product Use: The Biogienius LCD dispenser is well suited for just about any commercial setting. Larger corporate accounts that have substantial traffic through their bathrooms would be an ideal fit as would any bathroom with an odor issue.
Product Pros: Installation is extremely easy, even for a novice. Loading the cleaning solution itself is also a simple process as the front of the dispenser opens in an upward fashion to expose the bag area. Manufacturer claims batteries last an entire year which means low operating expenses per unit.
The ability to program how long the solution bag lasts – 30, 45 to 60 days – allows flexibility in controlling the costs associated with replacing the bag. The dispenser also comes with a lock that allows you to control who has the ability to open the unit and service it as needed.
A rather unique feature of this model is the ability to add a small booster fan that fits neatly inside the unit. This fan allows you to spread the fragrance around the room, eliminating the need for a separate air freshener unit. The fan simply runs off the batteries that are already installed in the unit.
Product Cons: Though only a minor concern, the instruction manual that comes with the unit could be more comprehensive concerning the programming of the unit. To be specific, the illustrations provided do explain the process however some text would have been helpful.
Product Cost: Costs may vary but expect pricing for the Biogienius LCD dispenser to be roughly $45.00. The Re-fill bag is available in several fragrances that run about $7.91 each (12 in a case). If you wanted to add the booster fan, that comes in at about $6.00 each.
Product Availability: This product is purchased through a network of national distributors. To inquire call the Rochester Midland Corporation customer service line at 800-836-1633 to find a distributor near you.
My Final Thoughts: I’m a big fan of keeping things simple and the Biogienius LCD dispenser does that for you. At the end of the day it’s easy to explain to the customer how it works and how it will benefit them. Combine that with how easy it is to install and operate and you have a true win-win scenario.
Have questions about this product? If you have any questions regarding this product please leave them in the comments below. In most cases I have access to the manufacturer, their sales managers or authorized distributors not to mention my own sources and can get you a prompt answer to your question.
THANKS for reading my review of today’s product. By doing so you are educating yourself on the latest products and services that are available to the cleaning industry. This in turn helps make YOU the “go-to” cleaning contractor in your area who has the ANSWERS and SOLUTIONS for everyday cleaning related issues.
Disclosure: This particular product was provided to Cleaning 4 Profit by the manufacturer for the purposes of testing and reviewing the product and passing along what we found to our audience. Needless to say we take the review process seriously and what you see in this post is our honest opinion concerning its use and effectiveness.
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Tom,this is a great products to have. but how can i buy this product and as well be a distributor in Nigeria as a cleaning company.
Hi Julius! You have to call the Rochester Midland Corporation customer service line at 800-836-1633 to find out how to buy. As far as becoming a distributer, follow this link then go to the bottom of page under FAQ… http://www.hygienevision.com/en/home