Anytime you get a new account, it’s a time to be excited. You put the work in, and now you are starting to see results.
But far too many business owners forget one very important thing once they get hired. That is SAYING THANK YOU.
I was reminded of this very important lesson this past week. It wasn’t because I was just hired by anyone, instead it was because I needed some home repair work done on an investment property I own. I had no clue who to call, so I asked a realtor friend to recommend someone.
To make a long story short, I called the company out to my property. They showed up on time, seemed normal, gave realistic pricing and had the backing of my realtor friend. Even though I should have gotten another estimate, time was of the essence so I pretty much hired them right then and there.
Two days after I hired them, I received a very well written thank you letter from the owners of the company. It basically acknowledged that I could have chosen ANYONE to get the work done at my property, yet I chose THEM, and they really APPRECIATED that.
Sending out letters like that really start the whole business relationship off on the right foot. It’s such a small detail, yet it’s really powerful. I simply don’t understand why more businesses don’t take the time to thank those who hire them.
My company has always sent out cards once we were hired, and I suggest you do too. While you could spend a few bucks and get one that is professionally printed, you could also just hand write a little note on the inside of a stock thank you card found in most stores. It’s the thought that counts as they say.
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Arlene says
Hi Tom,
Just read the post about saying Thank You when hired for a job. And I completely agree.
From the time I got hired by my first client back in 2010 ive always sent a thank you card to each client
thats hired me. When hired I feel honored that the clients had trust and faith in me for being the person to do the job.
Thank you is so very important in the service industry.
Beryl Duvenhage says
Hi Tom,
Thanks for all the help and info you are providing to us. This truly helps us a lot. Gog bless you and for being an inspiration to us all.
Tom Watson says
Hi Arlene! Thanks for sharing that with everyone. It’s a small detail that is kind of “old school”, but it’s the right thing to do.
Tom Watson says
Hi Beryl! I’m VERY happy to help!
Neil M. says
Hi Tom,
I appreciate your blog and podcast and have followed you for awhile. I just picked up an account and I will be taking your advice. Writing out a simple card doesn’t take much time, costs hardly anything, and can go a long way in building rapport with your new customer.
Tom Watson says
Hi Neil! Well I’m happy to have you and thanks for commenting. I really appreciate it. And yes… small details make a BIG difference. All business is PERSONAL in nature (they are buying YOU, not what you sell most of the time).