If you own a business long enough you are going to have some customers that, for whatever reason, won’t pay you.
Usually some diplomatic wrangling on your part gets them to pay up eventually. At least that’s how it has played out for me in the past.
However there have been a few times where I got stiffed by my customers. I take no pleasure in writing about it, as it still ticks me off to a degree. The few times I didn’t’ get paid all happened back when I was a rookie business owner. Luckily it hasn’t happened since, though I’ve had some close calls occasionally.
Having a company say “We’re NOT paying you” isn’t fair
The first time I had it happen to me I was really caught of guard. I was kind of naïve I suppose, thinking that something like that wouldn’t happen to me. The vendor was a furniture store, and they had two locations, both of which we cleaned. They were never a company that paid on time. Always late by a few weeks.
I was a rookie, and I didn’t want to rock the boat and start complaining. So as my mother used to say, “What you allow will continue”… and it did, as they were always late! I kind of got used to it until they let me go and wouldn’t pay me the last payment they owed me. It was $752.60 to be exact. A pretty good sum to be missing out on.
I mailed letters, one after the other to no avail. I called and left messages that wouldn’t get returned. Then I decided to call first thing in the morning, hoping to catch the person off-guard. My tactic worked! They answered and now I had my moment. Sadly, this person knew who I was and before I could say anything they told me “We’re not paying you”. I chalked it up as a learning experience.
Credit Mediators Inc. can help level the paying field
Having a company stiff you for work that was done fair and square will light your fuse, especially when you are talking about hundreds of dollars. Sadly as a small business owner I felt intimidated to a degree by the furniture company. At the time I was a little company and I didn’t see how I could collect what was due me.
Sure I could have called a lawyer, but that act costs a nice chunk of change, money that I would owe even if the legal angle failed. That wasn’t a risk I was willing to take at the time. If I knew about Credit Mediators Inc. I would have called them in a snap. No up fronts costs at all, as they work on commission.
What I didn’t know is that in some states collection agencies need a license to operate. You can even get in trouble by hiring a company that isn’t properly accredited in some cases. Credit Mediators Inc. however is a company that has the needed requirements to operate in all 50 states. They only handle commercial debt collection, and have nothing to do with consumer related debt.
Having someone who can “level the playing field” is an advantage, as there is just no way to be an expert in so many different facets of business ownership. Having someone on your team who knows the rules and can help get you what is owed is very valuable. As they say “It’s not what you know, it’s WHO you know”.
How to learn more about Credit Mediators Inc.
I was introduced to Credit Mediators Inc. by collection consultant Wendy Harker, a veteran of the collections industry. She found me via LinkedIn and explained to me the value in having someone to call when the need arises. I had felt the pain of “lost income” first hand, so she didn’t have to sell me too hard on her services, as I am well aware of the value in them.
If you desire to learn more about Credit Mediators Inc. simply take a moment and contact Wendy Harker at 800-456-3328 ext 218. She can also be contacted via LinkedIn by clicking here. She will happily fill you in on how she can help you – either right now or in the future – collect on the money you earned fair and square.
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