Trying out various products to see how well they work is part of my job description as a cleaning business owner.
That’s because one of my goals is to be a “trusted advisor” to my customers, and the potential customers I run across daily.
So when I was at my local Jon-Don janitorial supply house a while back asking what new products just came out, and one of the sales reps suggested I check out the latest product from Rochester Midland called Proxi Spray & Walk Away, I took notice.
They indicated it was a product that they themselves had tried out at the office with really good results. It’s a stain remover for carpet and upholstery that allows you to basically spray the product on the stain and walk away, just like the title of the product says.
I am usually rather skeptical of such claims but the maker of this product, Rochester Midland, is a company I have some experience with. I’ve tested out their Enviro Care Novus floor finish and Biogienius LCD dispenser recently and I had a positive experience with both products.
Real World Testing of Proxi Spray & Walk Away
So to make a long story short I purchased a quart spray bottle and took it home to my wife Sue to have her run it through some real world testing around the house. It wasn’t long before an ideal situation to try it out materialized, as our dog Cody got sick and vomited all over the place.
After removing the excess doggie vomit off the floor Sue basically did what the product says to do, she sprayed it on and walked away. The product went to work and after all was said and done, no stain whatsoever was left to be seen. So for doggie vomit it certainly worked as advertised. It also worked on another “unknown stain” as well.
So now that it passed our initial testing, we passed it around to one family member and one close friend for them to give it a try. In both cases the product continued to deliver as promised. In fact we recently were asked to order some more, so I’ll take that as another positive endorsement.
The product claims it will work on many different stains such as coffee and tea, red and white wine, cola and fruit, grass, mud and dirt as well as some other common soiling issues. We haven’t tested it on all those as of yet, but we’ll report back when we have more information to share.
But for now I can say it’s a product worth trying out for yourself. It doesn’t cost all that much either, as I just ordered some more for less than $12.00 per quart at Jon-Don. I don’t know how long the sale will last, but even if it’s not on sale the product works as advertised and is well worth whatever price is being charged.
Please note: I may be an affiliate for products that I recommend. If you purchase any items through my links odds are I’ll earn a commission of some kind. I only recommend products and services that I have used or think may be useful to those starting or operating a cleaning business.