In case you have never heard of him, Jeffrey Gitomer is currently one of the most popular sales training gurus of the last 15 years.
He has written numerous books and is a popular speaker who travels all over the globe teaching his sales training philosophies.
I’ve purchased a few of his books over the years and have found them quite helpful. While I always felt rather comfortable during a sales call, when I was new to the business there were many instances where I felt like I could have performed better.
So this lead me to start buying different books from several authors on how to improve my sales skills. Many of the books I bought weren’t for me, as they were either hard to read or just too boring for me to get anything useful out of them. Then I stumbled across my first Jeffrey Gitomer book and really liked it.
All of Gitomer’s books I’ve read come across real easy to understand. What I like is the fact that he doesn’t use any fancy jargon that requires you to Google a bunch of words to figure out what the heck he is talking about. It’s all “plain talk” that is easy to grasp.
Anyway… I’ve created some Amazon links below if you want to learn a little more about the three books you can’t do without (in my humble opinion). Instead of me trying to summarize what each is about, you can head straight on over to the source to learn more.
Jeffrey Gitomer books over at Amazon
If anyone out there has purchased any of his books, audio based material or video training and would like to share their own favorites, feel free to leave some comments below and get the conversation started.
Please note: I may be an affiliate for products that I recommend. If you purchase any items through my links odds are I’ll earn a commission of some kind. I only recommend products and services that I have used or think may be useful to those starting or operating a cleaning business.
I’ve got his Little Red Book of Selling. Has the feel, look and content of a sales bible right down to the red ribbon page holder. It’s pure gold – here’s a nugget from page 199. What are the two most important words in sales? YOU & WHY.
YOU – prospects must believe in and like the messenger.
WHY – Why You (what’s your mission). Why Them (people buy for THEIR reason, not yours). Why Ask (determine their why and answer with your why).
Hi Mike! That is absolute GOLD. I could write an entire post on that topic and not be able to sum it up as well as you just did. THANKS for sharing that.