Having a well thought out slogan, sometimes called tagline, for your business is a very important part of your overall business strategy.
A slogans goal is to summarize the product or service being offered as briefly as possible and at the same time build trust and or promote the urge to make a purchase of some kind.
When I started my cleaning business I had the good fortune of having a friend of mine refer someone who just happened to be a big shot at an advertising company. This guy had done a lot of very memorable work for clients large and small across our region.
Meeting him allowed me to learn a great deal about why it’s so important to have an identity that is easily understandable, conveys trust plus spurs people to take action. He shared with me many examples of how a large corporation’s slogan influences people’s perception of a company. He said the same principles work for people who start small companies.
This is why I want to share the top slogans of all time with you today, as perhaps it will spur you to create a great one as well. Keep in mind I did not pick these slogans, instead they were chosen by advertising professionals as the best since the modern advertising age began in 1948 .
They took into account several factors such as how well they stood the test of time, whether or not they become synonymous with the company among other factors. I would bet that most of you know every last one of them, even though some of these slogans are probably much older than you are.
Top 10 Advertising Slogans Of All-Time
1. Got milk? (1993) California Milk Processor Board
2. Don’t leave home without it. (1975) American Express
3. Just do it. (1988) Nike
4. Where’s the beef? (1984) Wendy’s
5. You’re in good hands with Allstate. (1956) Allstate Insurance
6. Think different. (1998) Apple Computer
7. We try harder. (1962) Avis
8. Tastes great, less filling. (1974) Miller Lite
9. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. (1954) M&M Candies
10. Takes a licking and keeps on ticking. (1956) Timex
That’s quite a list of slogans, and I’m sure you’ll agree that they truly do summarize what a company does and at the same time make you feel comfortable doing business with them. If you want to share your favorites in the comments below, I’ll look them up to see whether or not they made the Top 100.
“because I can” and for my cleaning company, “from offices to operating rooms”
Hi Gary! Good… I really like “from offices to operating rooms”. That sums it up nicely!
Thanks for all the info you pass on!!! Your book helped me get my business going!!!
Our slogan is “It’s Our Business to Make Your Business Shine”!!!
Hi Jason! I’m happy to hear that and I really like your slogan. It completely sums up what your company is all about. Good job!
For First Class Sparlkle. From Five Star Custom Cleaning
Hi Kathy! That’s very unique, nice job!
“We take care of cleaning, so you can take care of business.” from Hygea Clean, Tarpon Springs, FL.
Hi Susan! That is really an excellent slogan. Thanks for sharing that one!
Hi Tom,
I just started up my cleaning business, and I am struggling with a good slogan. I truly appreciate all the great information you share. I have learned a lot just from your site alone so thank you. Back to my problem with coming up with a good slogan. What do you think about “We Bring the Cleanest Clean”?
Hi Patsy! Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated. Anyway… to your question… I would keep working on it a bit more. I ran it by a few people here, it needs some tweaking.
Our is.. At Q&R Cleaning Services its Quality you deserve, Reliabilty you can count on.
Hi Eli! Very good! Straight and to the point.
Tom, First thank you for all of the help you give us. I started my cleaning service years ago. Some health issues slowed me way down. But now I am back and ready to do it bigger and better. My company slogan is ” We Make Your Cleaning Problems Disappear, 365 Days a Year”.
Any suggestions Tom?
How is this for Secure Clean…
“Feel Secure in knowing we are not satisfied unless you are”!
Hi Deborah! I’m so happy to help in any way I can. I have a blast doing this! Anyway… LOVE that slogan.
Hi Patsy… That works much better. I think you have a keeper!
hi, ive just started my cleaning business and was looking for a good slogan all the ones ive figured out are already used. any help would be appreciated thanks
Hi Johanne! Let’s see if anyone else chimes in with suggestions.
Hi Johanne, What is the name of your business? Do you have a specialty? A particular market you are trying to attract? Knowing these things might inspire someone to make a suggestion.
my business name is Masterfully Magic Cleaning Services and I don’t really specialise but the main thing we get work in domestic and end of lease cleaning and gardening any ideas would be appreciated thanks
It sounds like your audience would generally be landlords and homeowners (rather than business owners), so I would concentrate on a slogan that would appeal to them. This may sound a like corny, but off the top of my head…what about…”Just call us and like Magic, your home will be clean”. You get the idea anyway. Hope that helps! Good Luck, Susan
Susan, I like that. Have any ideas for mine? I am still struggling. the name is Secure Clean and my target market is mostly commercial at this time.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
So far I have come up with….
“Feel Secure in knowing we are not satisfied unless you are”!
“We will be the last cleaning company you’ll ever need”
Nothing is hitting home for me yet
Hi Patsy,
Glad you liked it, but I am certainly no expert at this type of thing. 🙂
For your company, I like something that plays up your trustworthiness. Business owners have to trust you since they aren’t usually in the building when you clean. How about “Secure Clean, Trust us to make your business shine.” Or “Secure Clean, Feel secure you’ve hired the best.” What do you think?
Hello Susan,
I like both. Especially the second one. Thank you!
I am struggling with a slogan for American Maids. I know there is a witty fabulous one out there…..any ideas?!I am a locally owned business and need help! Thanks!
Hi Tom, I want to thank you for all of valuable information that you share with us. My slogan is “The New Generation of Cleaning” what you think?
Hi Maurice! THANKS… I’m happy to help in whatever way I can. And… very good slogan, nice and original!
Your right, I knew them all, however, I never really had one and I do need one.
Hi Raymon! Yes… it does help make your company more “memorable” if you can make a good one that sums up how you operate.
Hi Katie,
Here is my suggestion:
American Maids,
Your Neighborhood Cleaning Company or
American Maids,
Proud to Serve, Dedicated to Quality
Hope that at least triggers an inspiration for you.
Susan…I am so grateful for your suggestions. Love the first one & I am so proud to use it. Good work, I appreciate your effort so much. LOVE IT! Thanks again.
Hi there ! Could anyone help me with the slogan of my start-up cleaning business here in Botswana with the name “Clean Sweeters Services”. My interest is more on small commercial operations ie offices, small retail shops etc.
I enjoyed reading all the comments, I have been having a hard time coming up p with one for mine. It’s called Iron Maidan Services. Any idea’s?
Thanks Stacie
Hi Stacie! I’ll put it out there, and see if anyone chimes in!
Please Tom could you put mine also for people to assist me since I am stuck.
Hi Binda! What is the name of your company?
The name of my company is “Clean Sweeters Services”, and my interest is on small commercial operations ie small retailers, small offices, etc.