See the picture of this guy to the right? That’s how you need to be “viewed” by potential customers.
When a person and or company calls YOU, that indicates they have a PROBLEM of some kind. It could be anything!
Perhaps they are hiring a cleaning company for the first time and need some guidance, or maybe their current company is letting them down so they require someone to replace them. Or maybe they need some specialized service that only you can provide. Who knows! Like I said, it could be just about any reason.
But “one fact” remains in all those cases. They need help and they are giving your company the chance to BE THEIR SUPERMAN (or SUPERWOMAN). Being ordinary won’t do. You could have the greatest sales letter, website and brochure in the entire universe yet fail to land the account if YOU don’t impress the potential client.
Much like a politician running for office, you need to be LIKABLE, AGREEABLE, PLEASANT and above all CONFIDENT in your abilities. People vote for the politician at the ballet box but potential customers vote for you with their WALLET. Your goal is to get “their vote”.
As I’m fond of telling everyone who will listen… “You are not selling rocket boosters to NASA“. Instead you are simply “interviewing” to be the person who takes out their trash, vacuums their carpet, mops the floor and cleans the bathrooms. You should be EXTREMELY CONFIDENT that you can handle those tasks.
So be well dressed, show up a few minutes early, stand tall, look them in the eye, be enthusiastic and listen to what they need done. If you can do those six little details when meeting people your sales will increase. I have no doubt about it. So get yourself ready to go “get some VOTES” for your company!
I firmly believe in what you are saying here. I learned this recently. Each walk through with the client is an interview. So being confident and likeable is a big factor. I learned this about myself recently. I wish I had known this a few years back when I had lots of quotes going for me.
Hi Lamar! Well it takes a while to learn the ropes. Nobody starts out knowing all there is, it’s a learning process. THANKS for commenting.
Right on, Mr. Watson! My husband is a professional salesman and he tells me to do this, say that, but I find his approach a little too cold. I listen but I always go with my instinct, always look clean, warm and pleasant, greet them with a big smile, and more importantly, be open and honest (about what you can and cannot do), sincere and that you really care. I find that I get the job just because they like me first for who i am and not what I can do. I hope i make sense. 🙂
Hi Rose! THANKS… I like your approach. You can’t be who you are not, you need to be YOU. Thanks for commenting.
Just to totally concur with what Tom is saying
I just landed an extremely sizeable account which I was totally OK with whether we got or not. When I asked the manager if he had the opportunity to contact my references his exact words were, ‘For the first time for some reason I just didn’t feel a need Angela you seem to know what your doing, your very educated, your pictures of local floor restoration is mind blowing and it was YOU we were sold on’
Now that doesn’t happen often, we are now at 15 accounts and so far so good, steady and smooth runs the race but again I can’t stress enough that Tom knows his stuff and I have yet to read a blog or hear a podcast I disagree on. Some different tactics here and there but all lead to same end positive result. Those of you starting, take head, listen to EVERYTHING this man says and you can’t not succeed!!
Thank you Angela for all those kind words. Much appreciated. And CONGRATS on all those accounts. You are doing good!
Hey Tom. Just checking in. I just started cleaning at night for the guy who has the contract for LOTS of outpatient facilities in NJ, from AC to Phila. He said he wants me to do their carpet too(subcontract)! He is brimming with buildings to clean & I still have my own regular office I clean. Since the wife is teaching, I stay home during the day with the baby, except tues & thurs she spends time with the Grandparents, so I just chill. This cleaning business is allowing me to work when I want and I can grow it however big I choose, which is awesome! I came in to help this guy’s business when 2 people called out that very day, like this article(sort of). My system is getting better since I’ve been doing it for over 6 months now. I consider myself a cleaning professional. I agree with this article, the posture, eye contact, and CONFIDENCE are GOLD.
Hi Trent! I’m happy you are doing well, and thanks for sharing that story. You came in and SAVED HIS DAY. AND also… you are living the life you WANT, and that is priceless. It’s perfect for you at this point in your life.
Great Advice!!!
I love your posts. They cover a lot of details of the cleaning business. As the saying goes, “The Devil is in the details.” Your posts remind me of info I read in your book. Thanks for posting these.