Getting flyers out into the marketplace is one of the most cost effective ways to spread the word you own a cleaning business.
It certainly works for those on a budget, and with that in mind I created one for you to emulate if you like.
It revolves around what customers “look like” the moment that realize they hired a poorly run cleaning service. So I crafted a short one page flyer around that concept and came up with one you may like.
It’s pretty short and to the point, yet it conveys what’s needed to make them want to call you. Take a peek at it and see if you can utilize it in some way. It’s flexible and can be tweaked to go either commercial or residential.
This is a real simple flyer for you to make on your own. All you need to do is modify the text provided in my example and add an image, which you can get for a few bucks from a company like Bigstockphoto. Once you make a few, you’ll start to get the feel for it. Have fun!
Hi Tom, I can’t open it or really even see it. Tech problem?
You can’t see the flyer? What browser are you using?
Great !!!!
I don’t see a file to download either. I am using chrome.
Hi Denise!
Ah… now I understand. On this flyer, there is no download. I just made the example for everyone to copy word for word (then add a similar image of dejected person).
oh ok, thank you.
Hi Tom,
I landed my first cleaning job thanks to using your direct mail fliers!!! It was for an apartment complex and now I can see why you don’t particularly care for cleaning them which is why we’re trying to get more office cleaning jobs. There’s a new office building going up in my area…a high rise that will have retail, apartments, restaurants. Do you have any suggestions on how I could land a contract with any of those new businesses?
Hi Christina! 🙂 apartments can be tough… I know. Anyway… . Generally you have to find out who the management company is. They will hire one company to clean for the whole place (in most cases). If they are still building it, they may not even have a management company hired yet… hard to tell. I normally just looked for signs around the property to see who is building (or managing) the property and call them.