One of the best ways to market yourself is by providing a free give-away to potential clients (and even current clients).
When you can provide a free item that is actually valuable to the end-user you have the best of both worlds.
The hard part is finding a product that fits the bill. You need one that is cheap to purchase yet valuable to the end-user. At the end of the day you must be able to AFFORD the product you are giving away.
Jon-Don Custom Label Program
If you are a regular reader of my blog, you’ll recognize the name Jon-Don, as they are a company that I freely recommend for those that need carpet cleaning and janitorial products and equipment.
One of the cool things that this company offers is the ability to have various size bottles of specialized solutions plastered with your company name, phone number and even a coupon in some cases.
I made use of this program by purchasing cases of carpet spotting solution with my company information on it. These cases have 24 bottles inside and make for an awesome give-away. Currently a case is only $31.00 (shipping can even be free in certain circumstances).
This works out to only $1.29 per bottle, which is PERFECT for a free give-away. I would keep a case in my vehicle so that I could give them away. If I went on a bid, I brought a bottle with me. If I met someone on the street who inquired about my service I gave them a bottle.
In short, I gave them out whenever I could. Once someone became a customer of mine, I told them if they ever ran out, simply call me and I’ll deliver another one for free. This would help KEEP THEM as a long-term client. My customers loved this product, and loved ME for giving it to them!
Where to order Spot Out from Jon-Don
You can learn more about how to take advantage of this program by heading over to their Jon-Don Custom Label Program page. It’s a pretty straight-forward process as far as ordering goes.
If you have further questions simply give Jon-Don a call at the number listed on that page. They will happily help you out. In fact, I’ve never dealt with a company that offers customer service like they do. They take it to another level.
If anyone has questions about how I used these Spot Out bottles feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll help you out. I used these bottle in some creative ways, and I would be happy to talk more about it!
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Tell me… How did a free spot remover gain you customers?
Hi Deanna!
A lot of good things happen, and they work in unison. One of them includes the “reciprocity principle” (that’s worth looking up for further reading).
These articles are a good read (and answers your question in more detail)…
Thats’s a pretty awesome program! Would this work for a company that just cleans houses & offices or is it just for carpet cleaners?
It works best if you did clean carpet… but even if you don’t…
1 – YOU ARE ADDING VALUE to your customer relationship
2 – You are STAYING FRONT OF MIND by having your contact info blazed across it
3 – More REFERRALS are likely because it’s unique (that was the case with me)
4 – Reciprocity principle kicks in ( a greater percentage of people return the good deed by doing business with you over those where no free giveaway was used)
5 – GREAT ICE-BREAKER (meeting someone THEN giving them something of value right off the bat makes YOU feel good AND makes them HAPPY)
I could go on and on, but you get the idea. It’s an awesome way to generate buzz and goodwill towards your business!