I would bet that most people love having clean windows, but they hate actually cleaning them. I know that I fit that description.
This predicament leads people to do one of several things. They either have someone else clean them (expensive), skip cleaning them (just makes matters worse) or bite the bullet and just clean them (time-consuming).
New product makes cleaning windows faster and easier
I was looking for ideas to write about when I stumbled across the Leifheit Click System Window Cleaning Tool Kit with Vacuum Squeegee. This nifty gadget instantly caught my attention. Not only because I can instantly see the value in having this tool, but because the reviews on this item are so overwhelmingly positive.
But before I get to the reviews, let me talk about the value I see in this unit. The thing that catches my attention is the fact that cleaning windows is always a pain in the butt because you always leave a little water behind somehow. You leave a streak, or a few drops of water that you have to go back and correct.
When you have a lot of windows to clean that gets time-consuming. The vacuum on this unit seems to make that issue go away, as the squeegee and the vacuum work together to make sure everything gets sucked up. I think that’s an AWESOME IDEA (I wish I thought of it!).
If I still owned my cleaning business, I would have one of these as I never liked cleaning windows (nor was I that good at cleaning them). Add in the fact that it’s less than a hundred bucks, and it makes it a no-brainer in my book. If you clean houses and want to add window cleaning, this unit may be for you (same goes for commercial work).
The other thing I like is all the positive reviews. The vast majority are 5 star, and the remaining ones are 4 star. When I go to buy something on Amazon I generally look for the bad reviews and see what they say, but the Leifheit Click System Window Cleaning Tool Kit with Vacuum Squeegee doesn’t have any!
If anyone out there has purchased one of these units feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, as I’d love to hear what you have to say. I may even get one for myself because the older I get, the more I hate cleaning windows!
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Please note: I may be an affiliate for products that I recommend. If you purchase any items through my links odds are I’ll earn a commission of some kind. I only recommend products and services that I have used or think may be useful to those starting or operating a cleaning business.
[…] instance a one-time window cleaning job that brings in $175.00 would be viewed as simply a customer WORTH ONLY […]