Whenever you decide to tackle some new challenge in your life “motivation” plays a large part in whether or not you succeed.
It really doesn’t matter if the goal is weight loss, learning a musical instrument or starting a business. Each one takes time to accomplish!
Even though I had strong motivations for wanting to be in business for myself, I had tough stretches where I questioned myself. Starting a business takes some time, I mean it’s not like you can do it in a week or two. You need to think in longer time-frames than that.
For me, reading some books that were meant to keep me on track and stay motivated did me a lot of good. So the thought today is that if they worked for me, maybe they can work for those of you out there that need a little extra help every now and again. So take a look at the list below, maybe one will work for you.
Top Selling Books On Motivation
Think And Grow Rich : The grand-daddy of them all.
You Are a Badass : Tons of positive reviews on this book.
How Successful People Think : For those that want to get into the thought process of successful individuals.
The Power of Positive Thinking : Another classic that has stood the test of time.
Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable : No tactics here, just a look at how others didn’t settle for good or great results, they wanted to be remembered as ALL TIME BEST.
Make Today Count : Every single day MATTERS, and this book drives that home.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People : One of the top-selling books of all-time.
Awaken the Giant Within : A list without Tony Robbins would never be complete!
Winning Against Laziness : Watching T.V. may seem like a good idea, but it won’t get your business off the ground!
The Motivation Manifesto : Have doubt? Think you “can’t” live the life you want? Check this book out.
Well I just provided ten books on motivation that each touch on different aspects of the motivational mindset. I hope you’ll find one (or more) that blows your hair back and succeeds at lighting the fire within you. If anyone has any suggestions for a book not listed, leave the title in the comments below!
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Please note: I may be an affiliate for products that I recommend. If you purchase any items through my links odds are I’ll earn a commission of some kind. I only recommend products and services that I have used or think may be useful to those starting or operating a cleaning business.
minimum wage motivates me
That is a motivator!
want a raise, find a new client
Wanting to provide for my extended family and for my future adoptive child keeps me motivated!!
Thank you for who you are in the world tom!
THANKS Francia!
I like that….”want a raise, find a new client.” lol.
I just purchased a marketing list from Experian with over 400 names for direct mailing. I love it, and If there is a free way to get a marketing list of contacts yet I paid for it, laugh at me – then send me what you know.
Tom, love your site. It’s “gold”. A local small business association told me I should list some general pricing on my flyer so the customer can make a decision right away as to whether or not they can afford a cleaning service. Tried it. Don’t know whether it helped or not yet. What’s your thoughts on this?
Thanks Mike! Appreciate the kind words. Anyway… pricing is so individual that I’m not sure how to list a price on a flyer. I would list a special like 25% off a given service, or something like that (I did that all the time). Advertising what you charge per hour is not something I would do either as that just turns the customer into a ‘price shopper” looking for the lowest price (and NOT the best company).
I just gave a description of the average size offices and what it typically cost to clean them. No hourly estimates. Of course, with disclaimers that each circumstance is different and these were only average charges. I think I’ll forget about this idea though. I checked a few of the big franchises and none give pricing of any kind. I mentioned free no obligation quotes so that should be good enough. Thanks
I’ll have to check out some of these books you recommend. I’ve set a goal to market my business a lot more and in better ways. Need to keep myself pumped up!
Thanks for sharing that Mike!
Hi Tom! It really does help. Even if you just read for ten minutes a night.
Thanks for that awesome list.theres a lot of wealth in that list of books and I’m always looking books like this to read. I’m going to order the ones from that list that I haven’t read yet. Two books that I’ve read a few times each and I would highly recommend are “Who Moved My Cheese” (a quick 96 page read that deals with change) and “The Magic of Thinking Big”.
AWESOME suggestions! Thanks!