Even though I don’t own my cleaning business anymore (I retired to Florida as most of you know) I still stay current on the latest products.
I do that because when we moved, we sold virtually EVERYTHING we had. I did that because I didn’t want to MOVE EVERYTHING.
At the end of the day I don’t like giving myself more work, so I figured the more stuff I kept and moved, the more the move itself would cost me. So to make a long story short we sold it all and started buying new as needed.
So now whenever we need cleaning supplies I start looking on Amazon. On one hand this drives me crazy because my wife just bought a new set of window squeegees and not that long ago I had ENTIRE BOXES full of various size squeezes! I guess I just have to get over that.
Anyway, so I started looking around for a new vacuum for my wife. We already have a new Sanitaire SC785 but “the boss” is looking for another one that is lighter (admittedly the Sanitaire is a tad heavy for a small vacuum). And due to our history of owning a business for a few decades, we like to buy “commercial grade” as they last longer and have fewer issues.
So this lead me to finding the list of the best selling Oreck Commercial Vacuums. Though the vast majority of vacuums in my business were the Sanitaire SC785, I did own a few Orecks. I was able to buy an entire batch of them from a vendor that was selling off some demo units. Most were lightly used, but a little banged up. All in all a good deal for me.
We haven’t decided which Oreck to purchase just yet, but I’ll give you an update when we do (I’ll probably do a review type post on it). I also browsed some microfiber cloths and added them to my cart. Then I stumbled across the something I never expected. Check out this new window cleaning robot! I’ve never seen this before, but it’s pretty cool. WATCH the video!
It’s quite a bit of money, and I’m not going to buy one, but I must admit it’s a real conversation piece for those willing to toss a few hundred around for your own personal window cleaning robot. Personally I’m still waiting for the robot that cleans your car. If you see one available, let me know!
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Please note: I may be an affiliate for products that I recommend. If you purchase any items through my links odds are I’ll earn a commission of some kind. I only recommend products and services that I have used or think may be useful to those starting or operating a cleaning business.