When you own your own cleaning business you soon realize the importance of keeping customers satisfied. At the end of the day you worked hard to get them and now you want to keep them in a blissful state as long as possible. You don't want them to ever leave you. Those checks in the mailbox are a real treat! When the customer is happy they are much more easy to manage not to … [Read more...] about 7 Sure Fire Ways To Keep Your Customers Satisfied
How To Get Testimonials
In earlier articles I have discussed why testimonials are important to your cleaning business. Now I will touch on how to actually get testimonials from your customers. Ready for the secret answer? You just need to ask for them. Most people have no problems providing you with a testimonial provided you held up your end of the bargain. That is not to say that some will … [Read more...] about How To Get Testimonials
Why Testimonials Matter
Testimonials can be a powerful force in your cleaning business if you take the time to ask for them. Lets think for a moment why that is. When you talk about your product or service you are decidedly one sided. Of course this is because you have a vested interest in promoting the positives of your company. That interest is your bottom line. Which when boiled down is nothing … [Read more...] about Why Testimonials Matter
What You Can Learn From My High Cable Bill
My wife Sue came to me today with news concerning our cable bill. The monthly price has become a topic of conversation in our home lately as the price jumped to $158.00 per month recently. This of course set off alarm bells in Sues head because she knows we do not watch $158.00 worth of TV. Aside from the late night news and the occasional hockey game our TVs sit dormant most … [Read more...] about What You Can Learn From My High Cable Bill
Voicemail Intervention (Part 2)
No I am not suggesting you record a rap song! Your probably quite happy about that! But we can use the power of differentiating ourselves through the creative use of our voicemail. Just like when I was a teenager and all the messages sounded the same, the same is true of business voicemail today. It is bland and unoriginal with nothing memorable about it. It does not have to … [Read more...] about Voicemail Intervention (Part 2)