Though the process may seem complicated the only goal of your marketing material is to get the prospect to do one thing. That is TAKE ACTION and call you as soon as possible. This can be difficult given the extremely fast pace of today's world. Life seems to move a lot faster nowadays and getting people to stop for a minute to call you is like trying to stop a moving train. … [Read more...] about How to get prospects to TAKE ACTION and call you
Question: Do business cards still work? Answer: YES
If you think about it for just a moment, printed business cards are kind of like the "older version" of social media. They were the main way to spread the word about who you are and what you do. The cards worked very well, as they tended to stay around forever in someone's purse or wallet. Handing out business cards still pays dividends While text messaging, email and social … [Read more...] about Question: Do business cards still work? Answer: YES
Janitorial Flyer: Free Download
One of the easiest ways to market your commercial cleaning business is by getting some janitorial flyers out into the marketplace. There are a lot of ways to do that. They include handing them out at networking events, door to door or via direct mail to name a few. The Janitorial Flyer The nuts and bolts of getting your janitorial flyer to work for you revolves around the … [Read more...] about Janitorial Flyer: Free Download
How do I motivate my employees to do a good job?
Once you start your business and have a few people working for you the issue of motivation will need to be addressed in one way or another. This is because you'll soon realize that most everyone you hire won't do the job with the same care and concern that you would. This is a HUGE issue when you are a new employer. Now that kind of makes sense because YOU OWN the business … [Read more...] about How do I motivate my employees to do a good job?
What you need to pay attention to when inspecting a commercial cleaning account…
The number one goal of running your cleaning business is keeping your customers happy. You will do that by keeping their facility clean as a whistle. One of the ways you will make sure it's clean is through the inspections you'll perform from time to time. This will keep your staff on their toes and catch the small problems BEFORE they become big problems. Keep in mind that … [Read more...] about What you need to pay attention to when inspecting a commercial cleaning account…