When you own your own business, the act of persuasion becomes a skill you want to acquire. Of all the skills in life, having the ability to persuade someone to your way of thinking may be the most profitable. You could be the best "fill in the blank" in the world, but if you can't persuade someone to do business with you, you are out of luck, and money. So how does one go … [Read more...] about 5 Tips On How To Improve Your Persuasion Skills
5 Mistakes You Need To Avoid When Starting Your Own Cleaning Business
I have been doing a lot of writing on all the things you need to do right to be successful. Today I put the brakes on that approach and go the opposite direction, by discussing what mistakes to avoid when starting your own cleaning business. The five mistakes mentioned below are easy traps for beginners to fall into and should be avoided to the best of your ability. With that … [Read more...] about 5 Mistakes You Need To Avoid When Starting Your Own Cleaning Business
Do you worry you don’t have what it takes?
Many people worry whether or not they can succeed as a businessperson. To that I say, stop worrying. You have more going for you than you think. Believe it or not you are already a businessperson. Every single person who grows into adulthood is a business person on some level. You become "YOU INC". What you do for a living is your "business". Your checkbook is your … [Read more...] about Do you worry you don’t have what it takes?
Did Confucius Own A Cleaning Business?
A friend of mine sent over some old Chinese proverbs that are thought to be from Confucius. Confucius of course is the wise man that lived about 2,500 years ago in China. After looking over some of the teachings this man left to us, I started to think he was on to something. In fact, it would not surprise me if they one day discovered he owned a cleaning business back … [Read more...] about Did Confucius Own A Cleaning Business?
How To Stop Procrastinating
Does the following phrase sound familiar? "I'll do that first thing tomorrow". Of course it does. That phrase may be the most popular in the history of mankind! Many people know what they want to do. Many more know what they should do. But far too many take another course instead. This course involves spending hours upon hours doing “easier” work or substituting something more … [Read more...] about How To Stop Procrastinating