Though the process may seem complicated the only goal of your marketing material is to get the prospect to do one thing. That is TAKE ACTION and call you as soon as possible. This can be difficult given the extremely fast pace of today's world. Life seems to move a lot faster nowadays and getting people to stop for a minute to call you is like trying to stop a moving train. … [Read more...] about How to get prospects to TAKE ACTION and call you
Worth A Look
Question: Do business cards still work? Answer: YES
If you think about it for just a moment, printed business cards are kind of like the "older version" of social media. They were the main way to spread the word about who you are and what you do. The cards worked very well, as they tended to stay around forever in someone's purse or wallet. Handing out business cards still pays dividends While text messaging, email and social … [Read more...] about Question: Do business cards still work? Answer: YES
Discover the secret TRAIT that your market CRAVES. Do you have it?
Beginners to the cleaning business always ask me the following question: How should I handle myself when trying to sell my services? I tell everyone the same thing. Just be YOURSELF. This comes as a shock to some because they "think" they need to be SOMEONE ELSE for some reason. This approach just turns people off because what potential customers DESIRE more than you can … [Read more...] about Discover the secret TRAIT that your market CRAVES. Do you have it?
Goodie bags and referrals still paying dividends…
This week alone we received phone calls from a realtor, a relative and a referral from a relative. As we always say, tell everyone you are in business! It started with my cousin calling us to do some upholstery cleaning. They purchased a used motor home a while back and needed it freshened up. So we went and cleaned the seats in the driving area, the bench cushions, and the … [Read more...] about Goodie bags and referrals still paying dividends…
5 Social Media mistakes you’ll want to avoid…
Social media isn't just a hot trend that will be gone some day down the road, it's here to stay. The different platforms people use will change from time to time, but how we share and exchange ideas have forever been changed. This rise of social media certainly has caught the attention of the small business community. In a nutshell, everyone wants to MONETIZE that avenue for … [Read more...] about 5 Social Media mistakes you’ll want to avoid…