When you own a cleaning business your goal should be to maximize every single chance you get to obtain cleaning accounts. That makes sense but sadly many people fail at this all important task and they don't even know that it's happening. What I'm about to tell you may be one of the most important lessons you'll ever learn in the cleaning business. This lesson doesn't just … [Read more...] about If someone leaves you a message, call them back as fast as humanly possible (your success depends on it BIG-TIME)
Worth A Look
The importance of HAVING A PLAN for each and every day you own a business
Ben Franklin once said... "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”. If you give it some thought for just a moment you'll realize just how much sense it makes. Not having a plan leads to failure, that sure makes sense to me. Anyway... you could interpret that in a million different ways. For today's purposes we will talk about “waking up with a plan for the day”. … [Read more...] about The importance of HAVING A PLAN for each and every day you own a business
What is your favorite vacuum (or brand of vacuum)? Do you use uprights or backpacks? Do you stick to one type for all accounts?
I'm a bit of a vacuum fanatic. Always was. Some of my earliest memories were of vacuuming the house! I don't know why that was, maybe my mom was just trying to keep me occupied. Or perhaps it was an indicator of my future career path. Or some combination of both. Whatever the case, I love to talk about vacuums. So today I wanted to get some feedback on what brands everyone out … [Read more...] about What is your favorite vacuum (or brand of vacuum)? Do you use uprights or backpacks? Do you stick to one type for all accounts?
How many accounts do you have? How many do you want? What is keeping you from reaching your goal?
I know you want to look in the mirror and see a successful cleaning business owner. That why this weeks post is all about YOU. I want to hear from you about WHERE you are in your journey to business success. Are you in the VERY BEGINNING stages or are you in a more advanced stage of growth. So I am going to keep this short and sweet because I want to hear FROM ALL OF YOU VIA … [Read more...] about How many accounts do you have? How many do you want? What is keeping you from reaching your goal?
Creating a sales letter, how to ask for a referral, measuring your marketing and MORE.
Today I wanted to revisit a few posts that address very important details concerning running your cleaning business. I know there are a lot of moving parts to any business, but not all parts are created equal. Some are simply more important than others. So along those lines I wanted to reintroduce a post a did a while back regarding creating a sales letter. These are key to … [Read more...] about Creating a sales letter, how to ask for a referral, measuring your marketing and MORE.