Normally giving away all this free stuff is completely automated, but our sister site is down for maintenance. So we’re doing it “old school” for the time being.
Simply scroll through the available choices below and put a check-mark next to the files(s) you would like. I’ll respond via email with the files you request (sent as an attachment). Because this is a manual process, please allow me 48 hours to respond.
If I may ask for a favor… Please only request the file that you currently need. If you require more than one, PLEASE LIMIT your request to no more than FIVE (5) files in total. This speeds the process up for everyone involved. THANKS!
Fill Out The Form Below
NOTICE: This form is BROKEN and I need to install a new one. So in the mean-time just contact me and let me know the files you need.
It may be a few weeks before it gets corrected, so bear with me please!
PLEASE CHOOSE ONLY FIVE FILES MAXIMUM. If you choose more than five, ONLY THE FIRST FIVE YOU CHOOSE WILL BE SENT. One submission per day for each email address. Thank you in advance for your understanding.