You Need To Be Unique There is no point in being the same as everyone else. You need something that sets your cleaning business apart from your countless competitors. You need to create a difference that makes you the better choice. One of the best ways to set yourself apart from the crowd is with your USP, which is your Unique Selling Proposition. A well conceived Unique … [Read more...] about Creating Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
start a cleaning business
Starting A Franchise Cleaning Business? Read This!
The cleaning business is not the same as the burger business! Let me repeat the headline again...The cleaning business is not the same as the burger business. You must be thinking I'm losing my marbles, but I'm not. A long time ago (before I owned my own cleaning business) I was in the same boat as you. I was looking for an opportunity that fit me. Not to mention one that I … [Read more...] about Starting A Franchise Cleaning Business? Read This!
How To Start A Cleaning Service Business
Starting a cleaning service business is not rocket science. But with that said, you do need to educate yourself (the education part is a very important step). Starting a cleaning service business is one of the easier businesses to get started. With common sense, hard work and the determination of a pit bull you will succeed. To give yourself the best chance of success you will … [Read more...] about How To Start A Cleaning Service Business
Is Office Cleaning Recession Proof?
For those of you looking to start a office cleaning service you are probably asking that very question. It's a great question to ask before getting too far into the process. The simple answer to the question is no. But that's not the whole answer. The cleaning business is affected by the economy, no doubt about it. It would be foolish to argue that a recession of any kind is … [Read more...] about Is Office Cleaning Recession Proof?
Office Cleaning vs House Cleaning
UPDATE 10/26/2021: Office cleaning versus house cleaning. Sounds like a prize fight on pay per view to me. In one corner we have office cleaning. In the other we have house cleaning. Both combatants have strengths and weaknesses that can be exploited. To see who comes out on top we need to dive a little deeper into each. To keep the discussion on topic I will touch on just … [Read more...] about Office Cleaning vs House Cleaning