It’s amazing to think of just how far Cleaning 4 Profit has come in the last few years.
It was born as nothing more than another crazy idea in the brains of Sue and myself in early May 2009 and has progressed to where we are today.
During this time frame we have created over 50 podcasts and nearly 200 articles about getting started in your own cleaning business. Some lessons are for the beginner while others touch on the more nuanced aspects of running a cleaning business.
Once you throw in the writing our book Commercial Cleaning For Beginners, the nearly complete sister book House Cleaning For Beginners and all the information we have created, it’s hard not to notice just how far we have come.
As our site continues to grow and become even more popular, I thought it wise to take a step back and highlight some lessons from the past that you may have missed for one reason or another. Some may be a podcast while others are a post. Either way they are worth checking out.
Past Lessons Worth Checking Out
Podcast 005 – What Your Customers Are Really Buying. This is one of my personal favorites because the cleaning business is a lot easier when you know what the customer is really buying!
Podcast 013 – The Power Of Perception. This lessons builds on the concept podcast 005 introduces. It discusses the practical application of the lesson as it pertains to the cleaning business.
Podcast 029 – Do You Want Fries With That? We may not sell french fries, but we do have the ability to offer the customer other services that can put a lot of money in our pocket.
Podcast 046 – You’re not selling rocket boosters to NASA. Far too many people think starting a cleaning business is super complicated. The good news is their wrong, the opposite is true.
Post from May 2010 – Why Testimonials Matter. You don’t need to look very hard to find consumer testimonials of a product or service. Why do companies use them? Because they work!
Post from June 2010 – What Ten Years In The Business Has Taught Me (Vol 2). When you get around to hiring folks to work in your company you are going to need some advice.
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